“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
The Temple of Consensual Power Exchange (CoPE) is a mutually-supportive spiritual assembly (a “church”) with a membership comprised of adults who have an interest in consensual intimate relationships that may be categorized as a fetish or kink.
CoPE with Faith
CoPE defines faith as “having a firm trust, belief, or confidence in someone or something.”
CoPE believes that consenting adults have the right to express their personal faith in the form of trust or confidence in someone or something.
CoPE with Worship
CoPE defines worship as “to regard with great respect, honor, and devotion.”
CoPE members engage in worship by first respecting individual autonomy and honoring boundaries. We practice devotion to one another by seeking and receiving enthusiastic consent prior to participating in communal worship as defined by the participants.
CoPE takes seriously our role in ensuring that our members feel loved and encouraged. As such, we have several ministry areas through which we educate and support current and future members while helping them maintain autonomy.
Health & Wellness
The CoPE Health & Wellness ministry calls on the seminal work of therapist and researcher Dr. Peggy Swarbrick’s Eight Dimensions of Wellness to help our members live happier, more fulfilling lives.
The CoPE Outreach ministry is dedicated to reaching beyond our membership to increase awareness, understanding, and acceptance of fetish and kink lifestyle choices and the people who make them.
The CoPE Mentorship program helps new members explore their chosen area(s) of focus in a safe, sane, and consensual way with experienced mentors.
CoPE Education programs support the spread of credible, reliable, and fact-based information about fetishes and kink in an informative, non-judgmental, non-stigmatizing way.
CoPE membership is open to adults who profess an agreement to and willingness to support the Code of Ethics, tenets, and ideals of the Temple of Consensual Power Exchange.
CoPE membership is a privilege, not a right. Failure to uphold the Code of Ethics may result in termination of membership or the denial of a new membership application.
CoPE membership is free. Members are expected to support the work of the Temple of Consensual Power Exchange in ways that work for them. Support may include, but is not limited to, financial donations, volunteering, and service projects.
Church Defined (IRS)
“The term church is found, but not specifically defined, in the Internal Revenue Code. With the exception of the special rules for church audits, the use of the term church also includes conventions and associations of churches as well as integrated auxiliaries of a church. Certain characteristics are generally attributed to churches. These attributes of a church have been developed by the IRS and by court decisions. They include:”
- Distinct legal existence
Temple of Consensual Power Exchange, Inc. will be a legally recognized corporation. - Recognized creed and form of worship
CoPE believes that consenting adults have the right to express their personal faith in the form of trust or confidence in someone or something. CoPE defines worship as “to regard with great respect, honor, and devotion.” CoPE members engage in worship by first respecting individual autonomy and honoring boundaries. We practice devotion to one another by seeking and receiving enthusiastic consent prior to participating in communal worship as defined by the participants. - Definite and distinct ecclesiastical government
CoPE is governed by a Board of Directors. - Formal code of doctrine and discipline
CoPE Board of Directors will adopt a formal doctrine and code of discipline. - Distinct religious history
CoPE is part of a long history of misunderstood forms of worship and devotion between consenting adults. - Membership not associated with any other church or denomination
CoPE does not require its members to renounce membership in other denominations, but we do have members who are not associated with any other church or denomination. - Organization of ordained ministers
CoPE ministers do not require ordination. - Ordained ministers selected after completing prescribed courses of study
CoPE ministers are expected to uphold certain standards of behavior. - Literature of its own
CoPE has a growing library of literature of a philosophical, instructional and informational nature. - Established places of worship
CoPE members may designate their own sacred worship space, known as a Sacellum, or worship communally in other worship spaces. - Regular congregations
CoPE members will congregate from time to time for fellowship, devotionals and social gatherings. - Regular religious services
CoPE will have regularly scheduled worship services. - Sunday schools for the religious instruction of the young
CoPE membership is limited to adults. New and potential members will be able to access guidance and instruction through the CoPE @ HOME mentorship program. - Schools for the preparation of its members
Ongoing educational opportunities are a core part of CoPE. In addition to online classes and instruction, in-person training will be available from time to time.