As a man who places great value on all of his property, a slave/trainee’s overall wellness is of particular importance to me. A slave/trainee that is not in good condition is not able to serve to the best of their ability. As such, we will explore the Eight Dimensions of Wellness together in order to create a tactical plan of action (TPOA) to address the areas of wellness on which the slave/trainee may need to work. These dimensions will inform and support the slave/trainee’s path to a life of service and fulfillment.
Again, I reiterate that a life of service is not a passive pursuit. You have to be willing to do the work.
The slave/trainee is responsible for maintaining their physical health and wellness, ensuring that their body is kept in good working condition at all times. A complete physical examination by a licensed medical professional is to be conducted no less than once per year and more often when called for. Any chronic or other physical conditions will be treated promptly and regularly.
The slave/trainee will have the opportunity to discuss their feelings and opinions about necessary treatments with me prior to beginning them, and regular wellness check ins will be conducted weekly or more often, as needed.
The slave/trainee is expected to maintain a regular fitness routine. The specifics of the routine will vary, and will be discussed with me as part of the slave/trainee’s TPOA.
The slave/trainee is responsible for maintaining their mental health and wellness, ensuring that their mind receives the care and attention it requires. A complete behavioral health evaluation by a licensed professional may be required if conditions and behavior warrants such. Any diagnoses will be treated promptly and regularly.
The slave/trainee will have the opportunity to discuss their feelings and opinions about necessary treatments with me prior to beginning them, and regular wellness check ins will be conducted weekly or more often, as needed.
Spiritual wellness is not religion. In fact, it doesn’t even have to involve religion. Our spirituality exists and is enriched by our connection to our community and to the world around us. The importance of human connection cannot be underestimated.
In the slave dynamic, this dimension of wellness may look different than what others might expect, but occupational wellness refers to more than just a job; it’s about whether or not you find the work you do fulfilling. A fulfilled slave that knows their place and has a clear understanding of their roles and requirements is experiencing occupational wellness.
While a state of mindlessness may seem like an enjoyable place to live permanently, I think that would remove part of the true magic of Power Exchange. I want my slaves to engaged and informed. Intellectual stimulation is necessary to stimulate and exercise our brains. For some, intellectual stimulation is in the form of books. Others may get more out of documentaries, or perhaps through an internship or apprenticeship in an area of interest.
A slave/trainee’s financial wellness is important because it can determine what is and is not available to them, from homes to credit to transportation.
The people with whom we interact matter. The slave/trainee is expected to surround themselves with people who support and encourage in healthy ways.
The environment we place ourselves in has a tremendous impact on our wellness. The slave/trainee is expected to maintain environments that support their wellness goals.
Next up, let’s talk about