Dear one,
When I decided to come out of leather retirement last year, I told myself that I would do it as long as I felt I had something to contribute to the greater conversation. One year ago today I began writing love letters to the men who would become my boys Rob and Dan. It’s funny to look back on that now and recall that at the time, neither were actually part of my family yet. I started writing to them because I wanted a solid and consistent way to share bits of what I know (and what I don’t).
365 days and 254 letters later, the audience may have grown but the content and the intent remain the same. I’m as humbled as I am happy to share. Even more, I am heartened by the comments, emails, and messages from people who have questions and want to know more. I never expected that writing short letters every weekday morning would be something I would do for an entire year, much less that I would be so excited to continue this journey beyond that timeframe.
Thank you for being here and for reading. Never forget that I love you, and that excludes no one.