Dear ones,
As 2022 comes to a close, I would like to share one last (weekend bonus) love letter with you.
This year has, for me, been one of my most challenging. I spent more than half of it in debilitating pain while undergoing a months-long dental procedure. I endured the loss of 50+ people who were friends, loved ones, clients, and former clients.
The year has also been one of my most rewarding. I am lucky enough to work in a field I love and have achieved some of the best outcomes in the country doing work with addiction and recovery among the chronically homeless. I finally had dental work that I needed for years and I now smile more than I ever have. I traveled with my husband to see our family for the first time in more than three years. I fell in love and grew my family.
Happy New Year. May 2023 bring you what you need. Never forget that I love you, and that excludes no one.