Dear one,
“If I could just move somewhere else, things would be better.“
“This town, man. And don’t get me started on the people in it.“
It’s easy when things aren’t going your way to want to pick up your toys and go play somewhere else. Easy, but not always effective. The problems that plague you just might be the mirror that is showing you where you need the most work on your yourself.
That’s why new relationships continue to follow the same old cycles. The scenery change is often little more than a distraction, and when the view is no longer fresh and new, those old cycles are going to come out to play with your toys all over again.
I’m not suggesting that a fresh start (even a new location) is a poor choice. I’m saying that the only way to start fresh is to take care of business at home and do the hard work of self reflection. Starting fresh means getting down and dirty with your own contributions to the issues you’re having and putting those issues on notice before changing the scenery around the same one act play.
Never forget that I love you, and that excludes no one.