Dear one,

Today I celebrate 27 years in recovery from cocaine use. I woke up this morning remembering the man I was 27 years ago. 9,862 days ago I was unmoored, uncertain, and chaotic, doing my best to manage a childhood of trauma and navigating the military as a queer man in active addiction serving under Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Pursue.

Though I will never be everything I want to be, I love the man I have become. I love and honor the broken child who lives inside me for helping to make me a fierce and loyal protector for all who need it.

Happy birthday to me.

Never forget that I love you, and that excludes no one – including myself.


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About Sentimental Dom

Michael Nolan is The Sentimental Dom. He wants you to keep your chin up, treat everyone with dignity, compassion, and respect, and drink more water.

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