Dear one,
When it feels as though everything is going wrong, remember that you’re still here. I use a simple tool to remind myself that even on days that feel the worst, there are things to be celebrated. Every time I meet with a client, I like to begin the session with a question: What’s your win?
No matter how bad things feel, or how down I might be, I find that by asking this question I trigger the critical thinking part of my brain that allows me to think more objectively about what’s happened. Even on a bad week, there are wins. No matter how seemingly small, it can be a tremendous help for me to remember that when I am faced with active depression for example, getting out of bed, showering, and getting dressed are all wins.
If all you do today is read a love letter, that can be a win. If you go another day without picking up a drink or using a drug (if those are issues for you), that’s a win. If you stood up for yourself, or simply stood your ground, those are wins.
Never forget that I love you, and that excludes no one.